“I can’t understand what these rules are supposed to do, this modifier chart is too complex, I don’t get why that unit does what it does, and what about this other rule that blows up the game by unbalancing the thing-a-ma-jingy charge against the whats-it-whose-it?” “Why, what do you mean?,” says the brilliant rules author. I’ve found that while what you’ve written is self-evidently brilliant and ground breaking (to yourself!), the real test is when someone not close to the rules takes a read and says “What is this gibberish!?!” Whew! The initial hard rules grinding for NUTS! Weird War 2 is done and now it’s time to try and break ’em with playtesting. Posted in 28mm WW2, Gears and Guts Alt Ww2, On the Workbench, Wargaming, Weird War 2 | Leave a Comment » We are also working with Agis Neugebauer at AD Publishing, he’s a master modeler and painter who has a supporting line of Gear Krieg supplements and game books. The new product line will be called “Gears and Guts,” and will include 28mm Gear Krieg combat walkers and vehicles as well as other unique WW2-themed fantastic weapons, miniatures and accessories drawing from Company B’s unique and expansive line of 28mm compatible vehicle kits, accessories and miniatures. Gear Krieg is the original “hard science” Weird War setting that mixed fantastic technology with real human engineering to create a realistic, gritty Weird War 2 setting.
#Carolee two hour wargames girl license#
Company B co-founder Brent Dietrich and I have secured a license from Dream Pod 9 to produce their genre-making “Gear Krieg” alternate WW2 “Combat Walker” figures in 28mm scale. Agis at AD Publishing made the rounds today to start talking about the 28mm Gear Krieg project that Brent Dietrich (Company B) and I are involved in.